October 4, 2020
[For the New Year]
One of the staff’s goals for the coming Church Year is to involve every
member of our Church Family in Evangelism and Outreach. At the conclusion of today’s
service, Oct. 4, an Ad-Hoc Committee will meet to discuss
the future directions for 3 areas:
1) The direction of our Evangelism/Outreach in the coming months/New Church
2) The way we approach the spending
of the Missions Budget for the Church Year 2020-21;
3) The future direction of our Ministry to the River Valley.
It is your pastors’ hope, both Bro. Tyler and I, that you will add this committee to your
prayer list this week; pray for wisdom as the Committee prays about,discusses
and brings recommendations to the church family concerning actions needed to be
On Mission during these turbulent times of a Pandemic.
The COVID 19 issue seems to be moving in the wrong direction; in the
nation, in the state and in our county. The worsening situation calls for new
and innovative ways to do Evangelism and Ministry. We need to establish new
directions for Evangelism, Missions and Ministry as. we approach the new year.
More to come on this next week after the Committee has met. . . .